Why Adding “LGBTQ-friendly” attribute to ‘Google Business’ is Important


While many people are pessimistic about the future, the world is indeed changing for the good. On a global scale, we are progressing in different aspects of our lives. Apart from rapid growth in technology, human societies are becoming more accommodating to differences and conflicts.

Racism is still a problem but not as prevalent as it used to be. The same goes for misogyny, sexism, xenophobia, and a host of other social evils.

Racism is still a problem but not as prevalent as it used to be. The same goes for misogyny, sexism, xenophobia, and a host of other social evils.

To keep up with these changing times, you need to open your mind as well. With bias and hatred, you wouldn’t grow as a person or an entrepreneur. What’s the first thing you can do to play your part in this social change? You can list your business as LGBTQ Friendly in Google.

Why listing your place as LGBTQ friendly is important

If you are not a heterosexual cis-gendered person, the world is not friendly to you for the most part. Many people hide their true identities to not be discriminated against or even assaulted. Adding your business as ‘LGBTQ Friendly’ is the least you can do to make the world a better place for the LGBTQ+ community. You are sending out a message that your business is a safe place irrespective of gender, sex, and sexuality.

A commercial perspective

While this is an issue that should not be dealt with from a business perspective, it indeed has a commercial side. Your business will grow as you become more accommodating and inclusive.

More people prefer brands that market themselves as socially conscious. Surveys have proved this, and we can see it all around us. Brands have to make sure that they are socially responsible. There are many aspects of social responsibility, and being inclusive is one of them.

Once you list your business as LGBTQ-friendly, you are opening your doors for a lot more people. Apart from individuals from the LGBTQ+ community, you will also earn the trust of allies of the movement. For the few people who get offended at such listings, you are better off without them.

Being a good person and a successful entrepreneur does not need to be mutually exclusive.