Creating a marketing persona for RuPaul drag queens

The first step to developing a marketing strategy is to define your target audience. You want your marketing to have impact, you want to get engagement? Well you better work at it! If you make generic statements such as “We are the best agency”, your message will be lost against the backdrop of all the other basic agencies saying the exact same thing.

But how do you create content that is effective? A great strategy is to develop a handful of personas.

What is a marketing persona?

A marketing persona (buyer persona) is the description of an individual or company that is your typical client.

You want to research and develop your persona as much as possible. Give them names and treat them like real people. What are their needs, wants and how do they think? Understanding them will make it much easier to think of your clients as real people and get them to engage with your online presence.

Personas for; Cheryl Hole, Gothy Kendoll & Divina De Campo

Name: Cheryl Hole

Key Identifiers: Unnecessary tongue pops

Background: Cheryl is a stunning tongue popping diva from the Haus of Edwards. She’s frustrated after yet another week in the bottom on Drag Race UK so she needs to make some coin to improve her runways, this requires an Ecommerce site to do so.


• Wants to have an online platform to sell merchandise

• Wants to display her calendar online so agents know when she’s available for booking.


• Has breakdowns easily
• She’s not the most fashionable queen
• Getting Belfast to book her

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NameGothy Kendoll

Key Identifiers:

• Likes to have her face painted at the zoo for 50 pence

• Wears a lot of black

Background: Gothy Kendoll is the UK’s version of Porkchop as the first eliminated queen from Drag Race UK. After being the first eliminated Gothy is unsatisfied with her online presence and wants to increase this. She does not have a website and if her presence doesn’t increase soon fears she may have to become an estate agent.


• Wants to become a bigger influence online

• Wants to have her own website


• Was the first eliminated so had less time for people to get to know her, therefore interest is low.

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Name: Divina De Campo

Key Identifiers:

• Brighouse
• 1/3 of The Frock Destroyers
• A red wig and a silver dress

Background: Divina De Campo is an English drag queen from Brighouse, West Yorkshire. She currently has her own website, but conversion rates are quite low and people do not use the site as much as she would like.


• Wants to increase engagement and conversion rates from her website.


• A busy schedule

• Always talked over

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Now we have defined our personas. How do we use them in our marketing?

When creating our marketing material it is all too easy to start talking in a very boring, corporate-way to convey messages. But when you focus your content at the specific personas, it is much harder to fall into that trap.

Think about how your persona talks and what platforms they use the most. Let’s look at a generic social media post and how we would adapt it to target each of our personas (queens).

Generic Message:

Let’s get your project started. Call us today and start putting together your strategy for success.— Averment. (@AvermentDigital) November 14, 2019

Cheryl Hole:

Category: Ecommerce! Are you sick of another week being mediocre? Is this the week you’re going to have a mental breakdown? Let’s get that merch sold and get some coin. *Tongue Pop* #DragRaceUK— Averment. (@AvermentDigital) November 14, 2019

Divina De Campo:

Are you a right proud Yorkshire grand-mommy? Too busy to put time into your website? Bull. We can help improve that online conversion. #DragRaceUK— Averment. (@AvermentDigital) November 14, 2019

Gothy Kendoll:

Need to improve your rooooooar?!? Is it making you look like a boring estate agent? Get in touch #DragRaceUK— Averment. (@AvermentDigital) November 14, 2019

Now, let’s see which post gets the most engagement!

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